Category: Training Log

Training 17/08/24

Sat 17/08/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.9kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Hatfield Squat:
2.5 minute rests

Dumbbell RDL:
12x75lb / hand
12x75lb / hand
12x75lb / hand
2.5 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand
2.5 minute rests

Chin Up:

Dumbbell Seal Row:
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand
2 minutes rest

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept pretty well and spent the morning doing jobs at home, while also dealing with a crappy tummy so I wasn’t too keen on squatting today. Almost skipped it but went out in the afternoon for a lash anyway.
Training Notes:
  • Should really have belt squatted to save my back but couldn’t be bothered setting up the attachment, Hatfield squats were less effort. Worked up to what were some pretty easy sets, wearing a belt. They had me blowing a bit and one or two reps tweaked my wrist but my back seemed to hold up OK.
  • Grabbed the dumbbells and did some light RDLs, not much to report other than lots of heavy breathing. Easier on my wrist than using a barbell.
  • Some light benching, had to be careful how I pick up the dumbbell with my left hand but the sets themselves were ok. Was surprised when the third set got challenging.
  • Tried a few chin ups, didn’t hurt but they will if I push them so I bailed on these. So grabbed the dumbbells and did some rows instead. Got pretty shaky at the end of each set and quit after two, had better things to do.
  • Done in 43 minutes. At least I’m still doing something.

Training 15/08/24

Thu 15/08/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.4kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Swiss Bar Bench:
5x100kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Lat Pulldown:
2×52.5kg and done

Seated Cable Row:
2.5 minute rests

Reverse Lunge:
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
2.5 minute rests

Hammer Curl:
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept like a log last night, probably not enough (Garmin said 7hrs 26 mins but whatever). Dragged myself out to the gym at 5:15 anyway. Feel like my back and wrist are slowly improving.
Training Notes:
  • I was originally just going to bench one set of five and then drop the load, but it was easy enough I kept going. Until it wasn’t. Wrist was OK though, so long as I keep the weight in the radial zone not the ulnar zone where it hurts; the neutral position helps with that.
  • But then I found out the hard way that lat pulldowns absolutely do not work. Two reps in and I was in a fairly decent amount of pain, so I stopped. It was that bad earlier today I was thinking about getting an x-ray but it’s improved as the day has worn on, so clearly I just tweaked the sore spot. Moved on and did some light seated rows instead, which were tolerable enough that I even pushed the last set out to fifteen and tried to do them explosively.
  • Did some reverse lunges, my hip and knee felt like crap and these had me very puffed but I got them done and even had a bit of a quad burn. Finished with some light curls, which cause some minor wrist discomfort but this weight didn’t seem heavy enough to risk making it worse.
  • All done in 51 minutes.

Training 13/08/24

Tue 13/08/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.6kg

Background Noise: 90s Hard Rock Essentials

Goblet Squat:
2 minute rests

Paused Lying Leg Extension:
12x50kg @ 7
2 minute rests

Back Extension:
2 minutes rest

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
2 minute rests

Triceps Push Down:
10×17.5kg @ 8
10x15kg @ 7
10x15kg @ 9
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Seal Row:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Woke up early to train but couldn’t be arsed and went back to sleep. Tired and my back and wrist hurt. But I was WFH so I ducked out at lunchtime instead just to get some work in.
Training Notes:
  • Tried some nice easy goblet squats, stretched my back out a bit but not painfully so. Got a decent quad burn from the leg extensions.
  • Wanted to get some light hamstring work in and figured back extensions might also get some blood flowing into my back. Had a pretty serious pump by the end.
  • Tried to keep the squeeze presses easy to save my wrist. The last set wasn’t terribly hard. They obviously smoked my triceps though because the first set of pushdowns was pretty hard and I had to drop the weight a bit.
  • Grabbed the dumbbells again and did some rows, these were nice and easy and an unplanned bonus.
  • All done in 45 minutes.

Training 10/08/24

Sat 10/08/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.5kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Swiss Bar Bench Press:
2.5 minute rests

Trap Bar Deadlift:
2.5 minutes rest

Pause Single Leg Extension:
— Supersetted with —
Seated Hammer Curl:
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
No rest between sets

Bench and Deadlift Footage:
Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Took yesterday off work and spent most of it on the couch. Kinda over it all at the moment. But have stuff to do today so was out in the gym about 9am to get something done.
Training Notes:
  • More swiss bar bench, these were all pretty easy and painless for the most part.
  • Tried some trap bar deadlift with the intent of testing my back out. Figured 150kg would be a safe enough weight for that, expected to do some sets of 5-6 but banged out eight pretty easily. Went for a second set and felt my back let go on the very first rep – not as bad as last time but it’s gonna hurt later. So that was it for those.
  • Some leg extensions which were nice and easy, and some curls which were also really light to avoid aggravating my wrist.
  • A boring 37 minute session, which should have been the end of a deload, but who knows. Guess I’ve still gotta work through some stuff.

Training 08/08/24

Thu 08/08/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.8kg

Background Noise: The Riff

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
2.5 minute rests

Swiss Bar Bench Press:
2.5 minute rests

Romanian Deadlift:
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Skipped Tuesday’s session, just blah. Up at 5am for this, after not enough sleep. My back is slowly getting there, wrist is still pretty sore but might have improved a bit. Just planned on this being a quick and light session.
Training Notes:
  • Worked up to some paused fives for squats, this was heavier than I’d intended today and felt much heavier than it should’ve too. But my back didn’t hurt doing these.
  • Tried some swiss bar bench in the hope my wrist might tolerate it better than the straight bar, and it seemed to, although they were fairly easy sets.
  • Tried some RDLs to finish, which were mostly fine although I did tweak my wrist a bit picking up 70kg. It was a little sore but not sure if that was the movement or the straps compressing it.
  • Done in 50 minutes, no worries.

Training 04/08/24

Sun 04/08/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.7kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squat:
2 minute rests

Hamstring Curl:
— Supersetted with —
Single Arm Dumbbell Bench:
90 second rests between supersets

Dumbbell Upright Row:
12x35lb / hand
12x35lb / hand
12x35lb / hand
90 second rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Did some gardening yesterday, and after less than an hour of helping my wife take out a tree stump my wrist and back were hurting enough that I called it quits, and skipped training for the day too. Almost didn’t train today either but decided to just go out and find some light stuff I could tolerate.
Training Notes:
  • Some easy split squats, stretched my hip out a bit but didn’t aggravate anything else.
  • Some nice easy hamstring curls too, and some unilateral bench, wrist started to get a little sore by the third set. I’d intended to load 45lb on the dumbbell actually, was a good thing I borked it.
  • Figured I may as well do some upright rows too. Shoulder felt pretty good, wrist was fine so long as I keep it completely neutral.
  • All done in 33 minutes. Whatever.

Logging this 3 days later – I skipped training on Tuesday too. Back is starting to feel closer to normal, I can put my shoes and socks on almost without pain now so will probably try some light squats in the next few days. Left wrist has probably improved a bit but still hurts and typing all day is aggravating it so it’s slowing me down at work too. Gonna take a bit of time off later in the week and hope I can get it feeling better.

Training 01/08/24

Thu 01/08/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.3kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Pause Belt Squat:
2 minute rests

Paused Single Leg Extension:
No rest, just 12 at a time per leg

Single Leg Dumbbell RDL:
90 second rests

Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand
18x60lb / hand @ 8
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Up at 5am, but was pressed for time as I had a 7am meeting so wanted to keep this session short. Managed to tweak my left wrist (probably from curls) in Tuesday’s session so between that and my back tweak (which is slowly easing) it’s like… whatever. Just gotta take a reasonably light week and do what I can do.
Training Notes:
  • Obviously I wasn’t feeling up for putting a bar on my back and squatting today, subbed in belt squats. First warm up rep, felt my hip go pop and decided I’d just do the warm up weight. At least I managed sets of twelve, the last one was actually quite challenging and my back had had enough.
  • Fairly decent load drop on the leg extensions but was still surprised how hard the third set was, I had a big quad burn.
  • Honestly wasn’t sure I’d be able to do any sort of hamstring work apart from maybe hamstring curls, but I tried these with a really light weight and they didn’t feel too bad. Pushed the pace a bit to get them done.
  • Kept bench nice and light too. It was annoying my wrist so probably a good thing. Pushed the last set out to eighteen(!) reps and probably could have done a couple more at least. But whatever. It was 6am and I had to walk the dog.
  • All done in 37 minutes. Good enough.

Training 30/07/24

Tue 30/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.3kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
5x105kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Dumbbell Fly:
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
2 minute rests

Pause Lat Pulldown:
10×52.5kg @ 7
2.5 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
6x40kg @ 10
8x35kg @ 10
6x35kg @ 10
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • I was open to doing this session on Sunday despite my sore back but an incident happened at work and I spent 5 or 6 hours dealing with it so that put paid to the idea anyway. Got up at 5am after not really enough sleep to do this.
Training Notes:
  • Wasn’t sure if I’d do the session as planned, but I mostly did – worked up to a couple of reasonably heavy bench sets which weren’t an issue for my back, but just lowered the volume a little. Lowered the weight a little on the flys too, they were really easy.
  • Subbed in lat pulldowns since any form of bent over row was gonna be no bueno, including the t-bar row I’d normally do in this slot. Did some pretty solid paused sets.
  • Finished with some reasonably heavy curls, pretty happy to gety two sets of six but the second was hard. So was the third. So was the fourth. Called it there, had a pretty solid biceps pump.
  • All done in 51 minutes this morning.

Training 27/07/24

Sat 27/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.9kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Trap Bar Deadlift:
5x190kg (PR; +10kg)
1x190kg back went pop
2.5 minutes rest

Pause Belt Squat:
2 minute rests

Hamstring Curl:
2.5 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
8×72.5lb / hand
8×72.5lb / hand
8×72.5lb / hand
10×72.5lb / hand @ 7.5
2.5 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
12x75kg @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Seated Lateral Raise:
10×22.5lb / hand
10×22.5lb / hand
10×22.5lb / hand @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Mid morning session after dog walking and grocery shopping and breakfast. I’ve been noticing more hip pain lately so went into this planning a little deload, at least on squats which I think irritate it the most.
Training Notes:
  • Decided to try for at least one heavier set of deadlifts, did a set of five with 190kg which felt just fine, so planned to do a few more. But the first rep of that second set something went pop in my lower back and that was it. It’s just a minor tweak I’m pretty sure (and it’s 6 hours later as I type this) so stuff happens, I guess, I was due a proper deload pretty soon anyway.
  • Took a little load off the squats so I didn’t irritate my back but these were fine. Accidentally took 2 minutes rest after the first set and then just kept going with that, got four relatively easy sets done quite quickly.
  • Hamstring curls actually felt pretty good too, I took a bit of load off and actually think my back popped back into place a bit during the first set, didn’t stop it hurting though.
  • Added 2.5lb to the bench – the first set and fourth sets felt pretty wonky and I was having trouble lifting the dumbbells from the floor (and putting them back down) but the benching itself wasn’t too bad.
  • Decent rows, last set a bit easier than last week. Took the lateral raises a bit lighter than last week, third set had my shoulder pinging a bit bit got them done
  • All done in 82 minutes – pretty long even with a few sets of deadlifts missing. But glad that it didn’t completely derail things too.

Training 25/07/24

Thu 25/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.2kg

Background Noise: Something Light

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2.5 minute rests

Close Grip Bench:
8x90kg @ 8.5
8x85kg @ 9.5
8x85kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Barbell Row:
10×87.5kg @ 10
2.5 minute rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
10x35lb / hand
10x35lb / hand
12x35lb / hand @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Hammer Curl w/Twist:
6x45lb / hand
8x45lb / hand @ 9.5 (rep PR; +2 reps)
8×42.5lb / hand @ 10
8x40lb / hand @ 9.5
10×37.5lb / hand @ 10
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Didn’t get to bed on time last night. Super tired and this cold is still knocking me round. Dragged myself out anyway but it’s starting to get tough.
Training Notes:
  • Bench was decent – shoulder didn’t start to twinge until the second set and it was very very minor. Surely I’ll be doing sets across with no pain soon. The work sets were challenging, but not max effort (and I think this equals a PR for fives). Kept the same weight as last week for the close grip bench and they were all pretty hard sets – definitely a bit harder than last week.
  • Same weight as last week for the rows too, and I managed to squeeze one more rep out of the third set before I started to lose ROM so that was ok.
  • Some relatively easy presses (although my shoulder started zapping during the third set) and then came some curls. I had hoped to push the heavy sets to eights – but found I was struggling at six reps in the first. Tried again second time out and managed to find my mojo, hopefully didn’t cheat them too much but that was a pretty hard set. Decided to just ‘run the rack’ and do some drop sets and was pretty happy with how hard I pushed these. Lots of hard sets today, I will probably have some DOMS tomorrow but whatever. Incidentally I did measure my biceps the other night and they are bigger.
  • Pretty good session, 62 minutes.

Training 23/07/24

Tue 23/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.4kg

Background Noise: Hard Rock Rewind

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
5x125kg (PR; +3kg)
5x125kg @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Paused Single Leg Extension:
No rest, just leg to leg

RDL to Floor:
8x140kg @ 9
2.5 minute rests

Pause Dumbbell Bench Press:
12×72.5lb / hand
12×72.5lb / hand
12×72.5lb / hand @ 9
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had a late night with F1 on Sunday night and was completely exhausted last night. Managed to get the light out at 9 but slept like crap and this cold has moved to my sinuses which doesn’t help. Still managed to get up at 5am, with a headache, but decided to go out and have a crack anyway.
Training Notes:
  • These squat sets were pretty hard, mostly because oxygen. I think my legs could have got at least one more but my lungs were about to explode, as I stood up the last rep I was puffed but felt OK, then after racking the bar and walking away I was absolutely gasping.
  • Kept the leg extensions at the same weight as last week. Knee was a bit crunchy but didn’t hurt, I had a good quad burn and probably could have done one more set if I was motivated to. I wasn’t.
  • A nice round 140kg on the RDLs today, and felt every kilo of it. I thought four sets of six would be fine, and had no intention of extending the last set when I started it. And then I did it anyway.
  • Really didn’t feel like I had much energy left for some light benching and even struggled a bit getting into position to start with, but pushed through it and got some sets done. Last set was pretty hard.
  • Finished in 67 minutes today. Pretty pleased with the effort all things considered.

Training 21/07/24

Sun 21/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.4kg

Background Noise: Hard Rock Rewind

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
6×102.5kg @ 7.5
6×102.5kg @ 9
7×92.5kg @ 10
2.5 minute rests

Dumbbell Fly:
12×27.5lb / hand
12×27.5lb / hand
12×27.5lb / hand
2 minute rests

Landmine T-Bar Row:
10x70kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
4x45kg @ 10 (rep PR; +1 rep)
5x40kg @ 8.5
5x40kg @ 10
6x35kg @ 7.5
6x35kg @ 9
6x35kg @ 10
2.5 minute rests

Cable Crunch:
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had another decently lazy morning today and got into the gym about 10am. Still quite phlegmy but otherwise feel ok.
Training Notes:
  • For better or worse I went for sixes with a little more weight than last week, the first set was completely painless but the more sets I did the more my shoulder got angry. Still tried to push the last back off set to eight reps but that was a big fat nope today and I failed it.
  • Added a little weight to the flys to feel things out and was pleasantly surprised. Less niggle than last week.
  • Heavier rows today too – pretty solid effort, only barely touched my belly with the tenth rep at the end.
  • I wanted a top set of five from curls today, with a weight that was 3 @ 9 last week. Seems like that was bang on because today I fought to get four reps and failed the fifth. Wanted to really push these hard today but by the time I got to the 35kg sets I’d lost some motivation so I just did some sixes until I couldn’t do any more. I really should measure my biceps and see if they’ve actually grown over the last couple of months.
  • Added a bit of weight to the cable curls again and then dropped it back as I started to run out of gas. Just grunt work but hopefully when I lose some fluff from my waist I’ll notice a difference.
  • All done in 74 minutes today.

Training 20/07/24

Sat 20/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.7kg

Background Noise: Hard Rock Rewind

Trap Bar Deadlift:
6x180kg (PR for six; +5kg)
2.5 minute rests

Pause Belt Squat:
10x115kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Hamstring Curl:
10×42.5kg @ 7.5
10×42.5kg @ 9
2.5 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
10x70lb / hand
10x70lb / hand
10x70lb / hand
12x70lb / hand @ 10
3 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
12x75kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Seated Lateral Raise:
8x25lb / hand
8x25lb / hand @ 8.5
10×22.5lb / hand @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Still getting over this cold and it’s been wet and miserable so I had a super lazy day yesterday and lots of food. Pretty lazy morning today too, got out to the gym just after 10am to get it done.
Training Notes:
  • Threw another 5kg onto the trap bar deadlifts and banged out sixes again, the first rep moved really fast and these seemed like pretty solid sets. It’s a low hanging fruit PR, I’ve managed better than this with the high handles plenty of times but this is probably the hardest/longest I’ve ever pushed the low handle variant.
  • Deliberately kept belt squats at the same weight as last week, had a similar amount of hip soreness, but felt good enough to push the last set out to ten reps which felt close to a max.
  • Went a little heavier with hamstring curls and dropped back to eights so I didn’t burn out too early but needn’t have worried. Pushed to ten in the third set and it wasn’t terribly hard so did a fourth set for good measure.
  • Same weight as last week for the dumbbell bench too, but these felt much better this time – just good crisp reps, so I pushed the last set out to a hard set of twelve as well.
  • Cable rows were good, didn’t feel any shoulder pings, and got twelve to finish with these also.
  • Went a little heavier with the lateral raises – definitely some pops and zaps from my shoulder early in the first two sets, and I felt cooked enough to drop load a bit for the third. That last set felt a bit easier than last week though so was happy with that.
  • Another long session at 90 minutes, but good effort. Hoping I can keep pushing this block for another 2 weeks or so.

Training 18/07/24

Thu 18/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.7kg

Background Noise: Hard Rock Rewind

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2.5 minute rests

Close Grip Bench:
8x90kg @ 8.5
8x85kg @ 9
2.5 minute rests

Barbell Row:
9×87.5kg @ 10
2.5 minute rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
10x35lb / hand
10x35lb / hand
12x35lb / hand @ 8
2 minute rests

Hammer Curl w/Twist:
6x45lb / hand (PR; +2.5lb)
6x45lb / hand
6x45lb / hand
6x45lb / hand @ 10
8x40lb / hand @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Up at 5am to do this, tired and bloated and scratchy throat but wanted to get this done and have a lazy couch day.
Training Notes:
  • Bench warmups all felt good, but the work sets did make my shoulder a bit uncomfortable at the top of each rep. Not painful exactly though so it was tolerable and still feels like progress.
  • Decided to do a heavier set of close grip bench today then drop it back, these all felt pretty good, if a bit challenging for my weaker left side.
  • Rows kinda sucked, I wanted to push the third set out to ten plus reps but didn’t even manage to touch my belly with the 9th rep and called it there.
  • Decent dumbbell pressing, much like last week – didn’t hurt, had one minor zap right at the very last rep but that was it.
  • Added a bit of weight to the curls, and every set was challenging but not max effort until the fourth. Then I added a back off set for good measure.
  • Finished in 63 minutes.

Training 17/07/24

Wed 17/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.2kg

Background Noise: The Riff

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
5x122kg @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Pause Single Leg Extension:
No rests, just leg to leg

RDL to Floor:
8×137.5kg @ 7.5
2.5 minute rests

Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x70lb / hand
12x70lb / hand
12x70lb / hand @ 8
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had pretty decent sleep but the whole house has some sort of throat infection / cold so I am not 100%. Lifted at 11am since I’m not working this week, had coffee and a chocolate chip cookie as preworkout.
Training Notes:
  • Squats probably felt less heavy than last week, but I was really struggling for air again, probably not surprising being a bit sick but I’m also unfit. Last set was a bit challenging too.
  • Added 2.5kg to the leg extensions and just went for tens. Had a decent burn but pretty much no knee pain so that’s good. It still hurts walking around especially up and down slopes and I was feeling it a lot yesterday shooting hoops, which is a shame, my basketball days might be over.
  • First warmup set of RDLs felt crazy heavy but I added a tiny bit of weight anyway and found them all pretty easy except for blowing a bit at the end of the longer last set.
  • Had some chest DOMS today and will probably bench tomorrow morning so just went through the motions with the dumbbell bench and got them done.
  • Session time: 65 minutes.

Training 16/07/24

Tue 16/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.9kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
6x100kg @ 8
6x100kg @ 8.5
8x90kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Dumbbell Fly:
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
2 minute rests

Landmine T-Bar Row:
10x65kg @ 9
2.5 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
3x45kg @ 9 (rep PR; +2 reps)
3x45kg @ 9.5
3x45kg @ 9.5
6x40kg @ 9.5 (rep PR; +1 rep)
7x35kg @ 9.5
2.5 minute rests

Cable Crunch:
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Have taken some time off work this week, but still woke up at 5am to do this – had maybe seven hours of reasonable sleep. Still got a sore throat.
Training Notes:
  • Bench was pretty solid today – shoulder felt great for the first set, started to get some twinges in later sets as I got tired, but pushed reasonably hard. Flys were much the same – actually no pain at all until the third set it started to hurt a bit. Decent improvements again.
  • Took the same weight as last week for the rows, and didn’t push the last set past ten either, they were hard enough as it was and I wanted to save some energy for heavy curls.
  • Apparently I’ve never actually curled 45kg for more than a single before, I aimed to get it for some triples today and managed that ok. Pushed the back off sets quite hard too, really wanted eight from the last one but don’t think it was there. Lots of hard sets anyway.
  • Just some lazy cable crunches to finish, was tired enough and late enough that I called it quits at four sets.
  • All done in 66 minutes. 21 sets again, a pretty long session for me, but at least it’s done.

Training 14/07/24

Sun 14/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 95.5kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Trap Bar Deadlift:
6x175kg (PR; +5kg)
2.5 minute rests

Pause Belt Squat:
8x115kg @ 7.5
2.5 minute rests

Hamstring Curl:
10x40kg @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench Press:
10x70lb / hand
10x70lb / hand
10x70lb / hand
10x70lb / hand @ 8.5
3 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
10x75kg @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Seated Lateral Raise:
10×22.5lb / hand
10×22.5lb / hand @ 8.5
10×22.5lb / hand @ 9.5
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Was supposed to do this yesterday but had a headache all day that I just couldn’t shake. Had a decent nights sleep though and got out mid morning today instead, sore throat and all.
Training Notes:
  • Trap bar deadlifts moved ok today but I needed some time to catch my breath afterwards. Apparently this is a PR with the low handles.
  • Added a little weight to the belt squats again, tried not to cheat the pauses too much. Felt like these were pretty decent sets but I’m starting to get some hip soreness so maybe I’m reaching its limits a bit with squatting.
  • Benching felt a bit wonky but but not painful. Had some shoulder pings from the rows and lateral raises but managed to push them both reasonably hard.
  • Long session today, 87 minutes.

Training 11/07/24

Thu 11/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.0kg

Background Noise: The Riff

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2.5 minute rests

Close Grip Bench:
8x85kg @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Barbell Row:
10x85kg @ 10
8x85kg @ 9
2.5 minute rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
10x35lb / hand
10x35lb / hand
12x35lb / hand @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Hammer Curl w/Twist:
8×42.5lb / hand @ 9 (PR; +2.5lb)
8×42.5lb / hand @ 9
8×42.5lb / hand @ 9.5
8×42.5lb / hand @ 10
2.5 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had another terrible night’s sleep last night – I was too hot (ironic since it’s winter and we didn’t even have the heater on) plus the kid had a nightmare, etc. But despite waking up at like 10:30, 12:30, 2:00 and 4:20 I rolled out at 5am and got it done anyway.
Training Notes:
  • Went up to 100kg today for bench and although normally I only do a couple of top sets in this session, these moved really well today and my shoulder was only slightly angry so I did three nice easy sets. The close grip work was probably a touch easier than last week too.
  • Did tens for the rows today, although I lost some ROM at the end of the second set and didn’t push the third all that hard – good enough.
  • Press felt a lot better than last week too, and I pushed the third set out to twelve reps easily enough. No shoulder zaps. Pretty decent.
  • Four pretty hard sets of curls to finish, too. Don’t think my left arm would have got one more rep at the end, but happy enough just to get eights for four sets across.
  • All finished in 57 minutes.

Training 09/07/24

So all of a sudden, I find that I haven’t actually typed out a log for a couple of months now – long enough that I’m not going to go back and do them all even though I have records in my training app. I never completely stopped training, although I did get into the doldrums a bit and had some periods where I maybe skipped a session or two, and even had a complete week off once or twice.

I decided to do a bit of a winter bulk, and it’s been working OK. I’ve been training pretty consistently the last 7 weeks, and on weekly averages, I’ve gained 3.5kg in that time which is a pretty decent rate – not too fast but not glacially slow either – definitely in a surplus. Better though is that I am wearing it pretty well. I remember the last time I was this heavy back in 2020 and I was quite a lot fatter than now – my gut (being the main thing I look for) is not out of control at all. I almost took some video this morning but didn’t bother in the end, I’m not sure I’d find the time to edit and upload it. Maybe later in the week.

Also, I am starting to feel a little less injured, I still have a bad left shoulder (think I hurt that in April) but it’s getting there. My right knee hurts all the time but I think that is just worn out and will probably never get better. The ongoing hip tendinopathy that I have been managing for probably 3 or 4 years is better than it has been in forever and I am actually capable of squatting over 100kg now without limping afterwards so maybe I will one day be squatting completely pain free if I play my cards right. Elbows feel pretty good most of the time too – touch wood.

Training has settled into a bit of a routine, still 4 days of basically an upper / lower split with a bit of upper body most days.

D1 (Sun?): Bench volume, flys, T-bar rows, heavy EZ bar curls, abs
D2 (Tue?): Pause SSB squats, paused leg extensions, RDLs, dumbbell bench
D3 (Thu?): Lighter bench, close grip bench, rows, dumbbell press, hammer curls
D4 (Sat?): Trap bar deadlifts, pause belt squats, hamstring curls, low incline bench, seated rows and lateral raises

So today being Tuesday I did this:

Tue 09/07/24: Something Light

AM BW: 96.5kg

Background Noise: The Riff

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
2.5 minute rests

Pause Single Leg Leg Extension:
No rest, just leg to leg

RDL to Floor:
8x135kg @ 8
2.5 minute rests

Pause Dumbbell Bench Press:
12x70lb / hand
12x70lb / hand
12x70lb / hand @ 8
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Was super tired yesterday after a late night watching F1, but managed to get into bed on time last night and even woke up before the 5am alarm to do this, my least favourite session of the week. Body weight continues to creep up.
Training Notes:
  • The last two sets of squats had me blowing pretty hard, but I made sure not to rush and still got good pauses. Hip is very mildly niggly, not 100% but I am getting away with these sessions without feeling sore.
  • Added a bit of weight to the leg extensions and had pretty minor right knee crunchiness but by the end, my gosh the quad burn was intense. I almost stopped at two sets but managed to keep going.
  • Back was pretty tight doing the RDLs, but not as bad as last week. Felt easy enough that I pushed the last set a bit harder.
  • Bench went pretty well – last set might have been a touch easier than last week and in bigger news, my left shoulder was completely pain free. Guess we see how barbell benching goes on Thursday.
  • All done in 62 minutes.

Training 28/04/24

Sun 28/04/24: Something Light

AM BW: 92.2kg

Background Noise: Random Google Music

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2.5 minute rests

Close Grip Bench Press:
2 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
2.5 minute rests

Overhead Press:
4x20kg nope

Hammer Curl:
8x35lb / hand
8x35lb / hand
12x35lb / hand @ 9
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept well, lazy morning. Late morning training out of boredom mostly.
Training Notes:
  • Wanted to hit sets of eight at 90kg but my left shoulder started to twinge at five so I stopped and dropped weight. 80kg was probably ok but only just. Did some close grip sets that had me blowing a bit but were pretty easy really.
  • Some low effort cable rows. Couldn’t really be bothered. Did a few reps of overhead press with the empty bar between sets, my right shoulder went zap and I gave up in disgust.
  • Grabbed the dumbbells and did some curls with the weight I had loaded from yesterday. I thought the first couple of sets were probably RPE 5-6 but after pushing the third to twelve I was probably being a bit lazy but whatever.
  • Motivation wasn’t very high today but this was something at least, only 34 minutes.