Day: 28 November 2004


Well I’ve added a mood plugin to the blog, just for the hell of it. Need to add something about books and movies as well.

One of these days, I really must make an actual homepage to link this stuff together! Having said that, a lot of what’s here in my blog is somewhat personal, so I don’t really publicise the address much. If people from work got a hold of the URL it could be very interesting indeed,

Finally finished that Ian Rankin novel – it was quite a pleasant escape from an evening which would otherwise have been spent moping around the house, being bored, and occasionally glancing at my phone to check the time or to check whether I’d missed an SMS from anyone (you be the judge). As I don’t wear a watch, I’m going to go with the former – that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

This is going to sound really corny… but one of our marketing guys in Sydney said to us a while ago that every morning before he comes to work he says to himself “something wonderful is going to happen today” as a positive affirmation. This was brought up in a meeting a few months ago, and again while I was up there last week he mentioned it.

I was saying that to myself quite a bit this morning.


Man, I controlled myself well today. People get the shits with me over the stupidest fucking things.

Like greeting someone at work with “Hello – what’s happening?” this morning. I copped a mouthful for it and it’s MY fault that that person finds it annoying when I say that.

I was —> <— this close to asking her if she had sand in her vagina. But then I thought that might not be an appropriate workplace comment so I bit my tongue! 🙂

Anyway – time for me to settle back in with my book. Very tempted to have a decent drink tonight (was last night too, actually) but no matter what happens, I’ve resolved not to slip back into old habits.

Things are never that bad.

Women are confusing…

Well. Today’s cruise was fun!

A breakdown along the way held us up a bit, but eventually we made it to the pancake place, had a nice lunch, and headed off again. I tried to behave myself on the road given that I had a passenger with me (the girl I’ve been seeing, for those who’ve been reading this blog) – so the cruise was pretty sedate, except for a couple of small dips along the way. Well, maybe 3 or 4…

Anyway as far as I know all’s good – she’d been pretty quiet all day but I couldn’t seem to get her talking. We were supposed to go bowling tonight (it’s a lockin night, so you can bring in grog and drink while you play) but when I dropped her home later she says “you haven’t done anything wrong, but I’d rather go by myself, I’ve had enough of being part of a couple for one day”….

(By myself meaning with her friends, that is… she’s not going completely alone). The thing is, I was really looking forward to tonight.

She’s never communicated with me much… I hope she’ll tell me sooner or later what’s going on in her head. Then again perhaps not. Who knows?

So I headed off into town for dinner with a few mates, and then did a few laps around town. Had quite a lot of people asking for rides in the ute tonight – including 3 girls, one of whom was quite hot! Shame I don’t have much of a way with words… but it was fun. Now I feel a bit better about being rejected tonight, ahah – tomorrow is another day.