Women are confusing…

Well. Today’s cruise was fun!

A breakdown along the way held us up a bit, but eventually we made it to the pancake place, had a nice lunch, and headed off again. I tried to behave myself on the road given that I had a passenger with me (the girl I’ve been seeing, for those who’ve been reading this blog) – so the cruise was pretty sedate, except for a couple of small dips along the way. Well, maybe 3 or 4…

Anyway as far as I know all’s good – she’d been pretty quiet all day but I couldn’t seem to get her talking. We were supposed to go bowling tonight (it’s a lockin night, so you can bring in grog and drink while you play) but when I dropped her home later she says “you haven’t done anything wrong, but I’d rather go by myself, I’ve had enough of being part of a couple for one day”….

(By myself meaning with her friends, that is… she’s not going completely alone). The thing is, I was really looking forward to tonight.

She’s never communicated with me much… I hope she’ll tell me sooner or later what’s going on in her head. Then again perhaps not. Who knows?

So I headed off into town for dinner with a few mates, and then did a few laps around town. Had quite a lot of people asking for rides in the ute tonight – including 3 girls, one of whom was quite hot! Shame I don’t have much of a way with words… but it was fun. Now I feel a bit better about being rejected tonight, ahah – tomorrow is another day.

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