A brand new blog….
The problem with blogs is that invariably if you spend a lot of time creating one, you have nothing to write. Or, like me, you end up screwing around with it and consistently breaking things, until you become so exhausted your brain can’t form a cohesive sentence.
Thankfully I’ve decided that at least for tonight, that’s not going to happen. I’ve been wandering around the web looking at what other people have been able to do with the (absolutely fantastic btw) WordPress template, and some of the more visually exciting blogs out there. However given that this is currently hosted on my adsl connection with a mighty 128k upload) and given that my experience with CSS and PHP is limited to, well…nothing…. for now, I’ve just stuck to changing a couple of colours.
If anyone wants to give me any pointers though, they’re more than welcome! 🙂
For that matter, I need some links. The right hand column is looking decidedly bare – the only site I seem to visit these days is Whirlpool, and perhaps the news.