Day: 12 November 2004

Love Actually

Just watched it (tried unsuccessfully to *cough* acquire *cough* it more than once, a couple of months back). Recently decided it was time to grab a copy and watch it.

Not a bad movie but as per usual, as soppy movies do, made me all soppy and sentimental. Fair dinkum I’m a blouse sometimes! Now I need to go for a drive to get the testosterone flowing.

It’s hard to put into text but right now I’m making Tim Allen grunting noises. 😀


OK, I just got home from a long drive, and a trip to the V8s. What fun. Those things are absolute fuckin weapons – I can’t wait to see them racing properly tomorrow.. (this afternoon was just qualifying).

Went for a drive this morning to run the diff in and discovered where the speed limiter on the ute is. That was quite fun.

And I just called and found out where the party is tomorrow night – well within walking distance from my place, very cool. I am really looking forward to seeing this girl again, although there will be lots of people around who I don’t know, so it’ll be a bit scary 😐

There is always beer – what a wonderful social lubricant it is – and given my lack of consumption lately, and the fact that I’ll be standing round in the sun all day watching a car race tomorrow, it probably won’t take much!

Now I must stop looking forward quite so much and start living in the present. Tonight is blockie night – so I must eat food then take the car out for a few laps of town! 🙂

It’s late

And I just watched School of Rock again…. I am totally buzzing, that movie still OWNZ0RZ!!! Hehe.

V8s tomorrow, shame I’m going on my own I think 🙁