I get a real kick out of singing – nobody who knows me in real life would realise that, because it’s something that I only ever do when I’m alone – either in the car, or at home, and especially after a few drinks, it’s an excellent stress reliever. Not that I’d ever let anyone else hear – it’s difficult for me to do it in front of an audience, even when I’m drunk – and I do think that I’ve got a semi-decent voice.

Evanescence is still a great band to sing to – such raw emotion comes out in their music, that I just can’t help but put my heart and soul into belting out tunes. All the flies on the wall at my place must have burst eardrums by now 🙂

The business that I manage has been subject to an internal audit over the last couple of days and I’ve also had my area manager visiting. It’s been a busy couple of days, to say the least – but I’ve pulled through it (I was going to say “with my sanity intact” – but after tonight, I’m not so sure.)

So I get to thinking deeper, and the thing that keeps on jumping out at me is that life is nothing more than a series of tests – tests of character, tests of decision making skills – whatever. The old saying is true – “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” – I’ve been feeling that way a lot lately.

I can only hope that in a few months time I’ll feel a helluva lot stronger, because at the moment I’ve been fighting back against the feeling that it’s killing me! 😐