Mallrats is excellent.

In fact, almost all Kevin Smith movies are excellent, with the possible exception of Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back, which possibly earns the slightly lesser grade of “OK”. If anyone else had made it, I might have labelled it B-Grade.

Can I just say though, that sitting in this comfortable chair, on my laptop, in front of my widescreen TV, watching a DVD with my laptop on my lap, is just bloody excellent 🙂 I should do this more often, instead of sitting in a small office on my leather backed executive chair with the sadly flattened. bum numbing seat.

I might do a Kevin Smith marathon tonight – I was tempted to watch Chasing Amy first but I was worried that it might cause severe depression – that movie always makes me cry 😐

Anyway – not much to add. People are weird – but today is a good day.

That kid is back on the escalator again!