Diet update

Well, I had my weekly weigh in on Tuesday. Disappointingly, I only lost .5 kgs last week – making a total of 3kgs lost in 2 weeks. It was a bit of a kick in the guts considering how much food I’ve missed out on! But hopefully this coming week will be better. I’m certainly feeling a little trimmer anyway.

Bradman was desexed yesterday, the poor little guy. I was a bit upset after we dropped him off, felt like a bit of a wuss but I just hated seeing him stuck in a tiny cage at the vets barely big enough for him to move around in. Anyway we got him home last night and all is well – he just wanted to sleep and was very, very quiet… he didn’t manage to keep his dinner down (and silly us for choosing to get the carpets cleaned yesterday) but I think that’s just normal side effects from the anaesthetic. He’s acting more his usual self this morning! Poor little guy, can’t wait until he’s had his stitches out (10 days) and he can run around and play like normal again.

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