
Thankyou for changing the Liberal’s position on the ETS. I feel strongly (as I’m sure you do) that there are a huge number of your constituents (including myself) who feel that this was the wrong direction for our country to take – in short, a massive waste of money for little to no tangible benefit.

The purpose of this iq option legit note is to ask that while formulating policy over the coming months, you consider another burning issue – the issue of the Labor government’s proposed mandatory internet filter.

This filter is another classic case of a well meaning but ineffectual and ultimately symbolic gesture from the Rudd government.

It will not achieve any of it’s stated aims of protecting children but at the same time will cause major cost to ISPs (who are already struggling to compete with a dominant, anti competitive incumbent monopoly telco) and will disadvantage millions of internet users in this country who are already paying higher costs for lower quality connections than many other parts of the world.

I strongly urge you to consider other, more effective means of fighting for the protection of children both on the internet and in real life, which do not impinge on the civil liberties of law abiding adults, or provide future governments with the potential ability to censor detractors.

Please, listen to the internet users of Australia. There are millions of us and we need your help to keep our internet fast and unrestricted.

Thankyou for your support.

