Well I suppose I should elaborate on that last post.

She told me she loved me… and I liked it. In fact, I said it back.

That’s not a normal thing for a relationship this young – even for someone as insecure and clingy as I am. Normally I would wait a lot longer. But it just feels… right.

I have a new job, a new girlfriend, and I’m poorer, yet happier than I’ve ever been. What a crazy mixed up world this is. Oh well…. let’s ramble about something else.

I just bought a new lawnmower today – a Victa Schappelle. It comes with 4kg of grass and has a 20 year warranty. Buy now and get a free boogie board!

OK, that was random – but it came in an SMS tonight, and I had to share it 🙂 Poor girl… maybe. Or maybe she’s a drug kingpin and deserved everything she got. If she’s guilty. Which I really have no idea about – but I definitely don’t think she’s squeaky clean, there are just way too many unanswered questions.

My hand hurts from being attacked by a crazy cat called Calais. I think he has a severe identity crisis – he’s just a kitten (maybe 6 months old) but he thinks he’s a fully grown lion. When he gets excited he loves to attack my hands and arms, biting and clawing them – he’s only playing but quite often hurts and occasionally draws blood!

He’s a gorgeous cat though. He just walked into a friends place one night (while we were all over there getting on the piss) about 6 weeks ago, and they’ve adopted him – I was over there tonight getting attacked some more. Surely I must have a masochistic streak….

Oh, here’s a picture of Calais the miniature lion – on second thoughts, I can’t bloody find one (there’s a couple floating about on the net but I need to find the links to them)…. might find it later. After sleep. 🙂