Amazing how life can turn around really. One minute you can be wallowing in the deepest darkest depression and

the next you can be floating on a cloud of happiness where anything is possible. Right now, I’m somewhere in between the two, of course, but things have been relatively good the past few weeks – in stark contrast to a little over a month ago.

I’m not sure if it’s the Zoloft or the change in jobs or the fact that I’ve met a girl who seems to like me… or a

combination of all three. But things are okay.

I wish I had something more interesting to write about than my life. But what I will say is this – there are a small group of really wonderful friends who have been there for me when I needed them most. I won’t name them here (most of them would be completely unaware that this blog even exists) but over the next few weeks, I really, really need to do more to let them know how much I appreciate them.

I don’t know what else to say really… other than the fact that I’m just about DVD’d out. In the past 18 hours I have watched Anchorman National Treasure, Soul Plane, Ocean’s Twelve, as well as the entire first season of Black Books on DVD. I’m *cough* backing up *cough* the first four as we speak…

Anchorman was hilarious. National Treasure was quite OK for a Disney action flick. Soul Plane was funnyish, but I’ve definitely seen better black comedies (and I mean that in the racial sense, not the sense of humour sense). Ocean’s Twelve was a little disappointing in comparison to the original, but that may be because I wasn’t paying all that much attention during the movie due to the presence of a pretty girl in my lounge room! Black Books, well.. anyone who knows me knows what I think of that.

Anyway – didn’t really get enough sleep last night. Perhaps I should have a nap.