Yes, I’m still playing the cricket game in my last post. Completely, utterly, hopelessly addicted.

I haven’t posted here in a while, I’ve been travelling a little bit with work, and I’ve had other stuff happening too. Tonight I decided to pose a philosophical question to my huge adoring fanbase.(!)

Why is it that so many things in life that are good, fun, and enjoyable, so many indulgences that make us feel happy and content as humans, are ultimately bad for us?

Of course in my case, right now, I applied that to pizza and bourbon. But it can be applied to so many things throughout our lives.

Of course there will be purists that say “but everything is good for you in moderation” or “everything is bad for you in excess.”

I used to say that as well.

But if I want to drink bourbon and eat pizza every night, and it’s what gives me a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment, then why should my life be shortened by 20 years as a result?

Here is just another example of why “life is not fair.” All of you that have children, teach them that from an early age.

I have a strong suspicion that many of my social imbalances and inadequacies are a result of some of the brainwashing I was subjected to as a child, that what I gave out to others would come back in return. Alas, that has proven to be a complete falsehood – if you are nice to everyone, then people will walk all over you and take advantage of your nature. The only way to be truly at peace with the world is to assert your authority, tell the world what you want, and don’t take no for an answer!

That’s my take on this whole “society” caper.

Having said that, I’d like to tell people how much I love them without fear of being thought of as a sentimental, eccentric old softie. So there’s a paradox for you: How does one truly be honest with their feelings, build other people up and give them a sense of self worth, without turning themselves into an object of ridicule and a doormat for others to wipe their feet on?

I think there’s something in that for all of us, don’t you? (Deliberately phrased to sound like that pastor guy from Full Frontal.)

Those who read the above post might think I’m a little sad or upset tonight, but that’s not true at all. On the contrary, I’m feeling quite content and happy. Strange.

I may recieve a substantial pay cut soon. There are zero reasons to be happy about that – and I’m not – but I’m not exactly sad about it either, I’m just indifferent.

Where am I headed?