Writer’s block

Well, I’m blogging again. One of these days I really should get rid of all the spam comments and trackbacks… but anyhoo.

Am I the only one in the world who thinks that they can actually write really good material, but never does? I say this because I’ve always fancied myself a bit of a writer but never managed to quite… get around to it. And here I am, thinking I want to write something. For Clare. The problem is that you need to be suitably inspired to do it… and perhaps I’m only 80 percent of the way there. I have a few words to say but don’t quite know how to start saying them.

Things are quite okay at the moment. Not great, but okay. I hope they slowly work their way up into “great” territory again but at the moment it’s a day by day proposition.

I’m playing basketball once a week, and loving it. And for long time readers (there is probably only one of those, if he followed the domain change which is unlikely since I never told anyone about it) you will remember I was trying to lose weight – well – I’ve lost about 11 kilos since Christmas. All by modifying my diet, basically – I’ve only been playing sport again for a few weeks so it’s not that.

However, my knees and my ankles are hating me right now… I really hope they get stronger otherwise I won’t be able to keep it up!

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