
Don’t know what’s come over me tonight…

Decided at the last minute to attempt to repair (by dismantling and cleaning out) my old keyboard which I love using (it’s a Logitech Elite) but sadly has been sitting in a cupboard since I spilt an entire tumbler of coke all over it and turned it into a paperweight.

All was going fine until, in my impatience to get it dry after washing, I decided to hit it with the heat gun and completely fucked it. Suffice to say that my heat gun is a lot hotter than a hair dryer, and that plastic melts bloody easily…

Anyway it was just a bit out of shape…. a couple of keys were a bit sticky (sticky as in not popping back out, as opposed to sticky because of being melted) but it was otherwise usable, I could have easily removed the keys that were dodgy (they were such uncommonly used keys as “alt” and that blasted windows key so I could have done without them) – but I managed to get myself into a fit of rage and demolish the thing completely. I should have taken photos.

Now I’m sort of uncontrollably listless… I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, can’t sit still, and don’t really know what to do with myself.. it’s one of the worst episodes I’ve had in a while. Just had a game of BZFlag but it didn’t seem to help, I’m still sort of screaming quietly to myself (I’ve done my screaming out loud, now it’s just a dull throb inside) and I don’t know what I should do…

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