Enough of the weird one word titles!
Thai food is great.
Thai food washed down with a couple of Crownies is even better.
Thai food when you’re interstate, on the night of the first State of Origin, when you wouldn’t normally be able to watch it live if you were in your home state, while eating Thai food and drinking Crownies is just about as good as it gets (other than the fact that I’m alone in a motel room. But hey, nothing’s perfect) 🙂
So, I’m sitting here waiting for the football to start. Some of the work issues have blown over (had a long chat to my boss the other night – told her how I feel – couldn’t get a word in edgewise after that but I’m over it, in any case) and tomorrow they start again in earnest.
Earlier an interesting realisation came to me. One of the major stumbling blocks that I am having in my professional career is….paradoxically….my lack of personal life.
It seems that I’ve come to just about the limit of what I can achieve professionally, until I can improve my social, relationship and people skills. So somehow, even though I’ve been talking about it for a long time, I have to get myself a life. As traumatic and stressful as that’s going to be for someone like myself who suffers from paranoia and problems with intimacy – I just don’t naturally relate well to other people without putting on an act, and it never feels comfortable.
Until I’ve drunk enough to remove all the inhibitions. So – some scary stuff needs to happen.
Anyway – enough of my bullshit. Queensland must win the football! Watching a decent game of league is something I’ve missed since I moved to the ass end of the country (mental note: please do not give the URL of this blog to any Tasmanians) – so it should be interesting.
Time to forget my troubles just for one night and kick back – tomorrow at all the fun starts again.