Phew – what a day – I’m just about pooped. Gothika was a pretty good movie actually, as supernatural thrillers go – there wasn’t much that was out of the ordinary though. The old “ghost who comes back for revenge” type story – I managed to put a couple of the pieces together before the movie had actually spelled out the answers, so it must have been a bit predictable 🙂

Telemarketers suck.

I’ve had this girl from a mob called SuperTAB trying to get me to spend money on their “investment program” – basically it’s a betting system where they give you a heap of tips every week and you put bets on all these different events. I’m not sure I want to spend $5k on that!

So she’s on the phone today, and I tell her no thanks, I’m not interested (the same as what I told her a month or so back) – then she starts putting the hard sell on me.

Remember what I said about Dad in my post below? Well this girl could rival him, easily. She must have gone on for a good 10 minutes, just on, and on…..and on…. about all the benefits of the program – I couldn’t get a bloody word in edgewise. I had to laugh – I just looked at one of the other girls in the office and shook my head…..

In the end I had to cut her off. “You’re not going to convince me. Thanks but no thanks.”

Somehow that’s one investment decision I don’t think I’ll regret making.

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