Can’t believe I’m finally in some sort of routine.

Changing jobs from retail management into retail sales, aside from the fact that it meant a pretty big pay cut, was the best move I ever made.

I’m now working for a mob that isn’t open Sundays. Hooray! A weekend is actually… a weekend. I have every third Saturday off.

To top that off, I have an amazing girlfriend who lives out of town, and for the last 3 weekends has come down on Saturday, spent the night with me, and spent Sunday with me. Her diary, apparently, is free on weekends until Christmas. So as you can probably imagine, weekends are… really nice.

To top all that off next weekend is a long weekend. And shock horror – my new employer aren’t open on public holidays either! So… next weekend, even though I’m working Saturday, I get two blissful days away from work, and two nights with a gorgeous princess. Who has only just left my place… despite my protests :p

Next weekend is shaping up to be a huge weekend actually.

I have a 21st birthday party on Friday night…. work Saturday, then another 21st birthday party on Saturday night. Then on Sunday, going to watch a drift event at Symmons Plains and then catch a movie Sunday night.

And a lovely sleepin on Monday morning, too… I can’t wait. But right now I guess I should be focussing on the week ahead.

All I can think about lately is how lucky I am, and how fate and circumstance seem to have conspired to turn my life into something enjoyable again. It’s lovely.